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B(`2). Taking adjoints we find L?(Lr. 2)-bdness and row-BMO norm. The noncommutative. BMO space BMO(A) = BMOr(A) ? BMOc BMO(A) and bmo(A) as follows. kfkBMO. BMO) (A) and from the anterior sclera plane LCD-PPS (B); inter-observer reproducibility of image grading of LCD-BMO (C) and of LCD-PPS (D) are illustrated. That log|g| E BMO follows from the fact that it is the conjugate of the bounded function Arg g. Then h = log g E BMO A, and so satisfies (4), from which (5).
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This effect could also be shown amplified in the subgroup analysis of micro- and macrodiscs. The effectiveness of BMO is mainly dependent upon their large specific surface area [5] , [11] , smaller grain size [12] , and increased octahedral cavity structure [3] , [13] , which ensure that the adsorbed substance is incorporated into the crystal structure of the oxide [14]. Adsorbent BMO could be generated from manganese-oxidizing microorganisms that are widespread in the environment [13]. Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist. Open-angle glaucoma is a progressive optic neuropathy affecting millions worldwide and characterized by retinal ganglion cell loss [ 1 , 2 ], which manifests as structural changes in the optic nerve head ONH , with retinal nerve fiber layer RNFL thickness loss and neuroretinal rim thinning, causing functional deficits [ 3 ].